Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 25, 2011

Today in class we got a new booklet called Grade 11 Physics Fields: Magnetism and Electromagnetism. We started off the book with a lab.

The lab was about drawing magnetic field lines using 2 magnets and a compass. Both arrows on the compass are magnetized to point to the North/South Poles on Earth. The 2 magnets both have a North/South end on them, and are opposite in charge. We laid the magnets horizontally from each other, both North ends of the compass facing North, and placed the compass in between them and began moving the compass to see where the arrows point to draw the field lines. Next we flipped one of the magnets so both North ends where facing each other and drew the field lines from there.

When we finished the lab, we had to read and do page 26, which was a study guide.


Ms K said...

Thanks Justin. I changed the word electric to magnetic fields. Magnets produce magnetic fields. :))

bobthebuilder said...

Just wondering, is anyone scribing for Thursday, May 26th? I wasn't in class that day and wish to catch up. Thanks!