Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011: Constructive and Destructive Waves

Hello fellow classmates, so for scribing late today I needed to do some intense studying since my period two (intense homework period) was spent in the gym riot/pep rally. We started the class off with Mr. Vincent giving us new notes about wave interference. He also took attendance. After attendance we went outside to see a demonstration about wave interference and reviewed the types of waves that we have already learned. First Mr. Vincent and helper used the small denser spring to knock over a Styrofoam cup, things got more interesting when bricks were put on both sides of the cup so that the single wave produced by the spring wouldn't be able to hit the cup. Mr. Vincent and helper then timed their waves so that they will collide where the cup is between the bricks to produce a larger wave that will hit the cup. This type of wave produced is called a constructive wave. We went inside to go over the notes and learned how to draw constructive and destructive waves and were assigned the last page, Appendix 1.4: Waves in One Dimension, to complete as homework. Then we went outside again with the big spring to see how destructive waves work. Mr. Vincent told the helper to try and hit the cup that was placed midway of the spring, as he tried and tried Mr. Vincent kept creating an opposite pulse that was perfectly timed to meet up with helper's wave so that the amplitude was 0 and the cup would not be hit. Then Mr. Vincent showed us what a sound wave looks like. Then we went back in class to work on homework which we will go over tomorrow. Wednesday is our test so study that formula! Alright bai guys! Next scribe shall be David.

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